Here is a portrait of me and my sisters. Jennifer (the youngest) is on the left, Josette is in the middle and me (the oldest) is on the right. It’s an older painting I did a couple of years ago. One of the first acrylics I ever did actually. I’m thinking I might rework our hair. Haven’t decided.
11 x 14 acrylic on canvas
i really like your work, i just looked at some of your postings, very nice blog ..
Agreed, that is nice!
No, no, no, no….don’t touch a thing! Oh my gosh, I love this. It could me and my two sisters. We all have the same eyes and brown hair. Its perfect.
This is lovely. We can see you are three sisters, different but with some features, or the expression that makes you three-one. Very nice.
What a lovely group portrait. It looks like the cover of an album – do you sing?
I love, love, LUVRE this. Don’t change the hair. Don’t change a thing! It’s fab the way it is 🙂
That is a sweet tribute to your sisters, all of you. I think it is simple, yet clearly shows you are all different, and yet all family. Really nice style with the faces. I like the whole piece just the way it is.
What I most like about this painting is that it radiates love and positive energy! You can feel the sisterhood, it just exudes it!
i love the fresh look, very captivating piece. Don’t know why you would want to change the hair-it’s perfect framing for each face.
This is a wonderful piece – gorgeous shades and it looks so warm and cosy – Im sure your relationship with your sisters is just the same!
I would leave it as is…it such a wonderful grouping of the three of you. You all look the same but also different…the subtleties of the personalities come through. I love the warm colors, and i love how the htree of you create one mass…it’s so loving!
this is great! don’t change a thing!
What a nice painting of you and your sisters ~ looks like you are very close. Love the yellow background!
Oh no I love the hair. Change it if you want of course. . .but I love the effect. What a great painting you do all look similar but there is something different about each of you. Fantastic colors as well.