Library Books


I recently read about Mollie Katzen’s cookbook, Salad People on Vicki’s blog (thanks Vicki!) and had to check it out. Fortunately it was at the library. I have to say that it is absolutely wonderful. Definitely one that I’d like to buy and add to my collection. The reason being is that it is geared towards children 4 years and up. It has 20 kid-friendly (and veg-friendly) recipes with illustrated instructions for the kiddos and detailed written instructions for the adults- all making it an easy and pleasurable kid-cooking experience. My little guy loves this book and has been looking through it all week telling me all the things he wants to make. Today he made the above Chewy Energy Circles with great success. The funny thing about these cookies is that I’ve made cookies similar to these before (oatmeal, cinnamon & raisin) and he wouldn’t touch them. But since he made these himself and they have the word “energy” in the title, he has been gobbling them all up! He’s usually very picky.

vegan-vengeance.jpg voluptuous.jpg gent.jpg

Here are some other great books that I borrowed from the library. Love them all and have really been enjoying flipping through them while planning future t-shirt surgeries and delicious, vegan dishes.

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3 Responses to Library Books

  1. krista says:

    I have generation t- it’s is a fun book isn’t it?
    That vegan book in the middle- the colours are awesome. I am not even Vegan and I want to read it.

  2. Ooh, too bad I think you are living in the Tucson area. I’d really love to borrow that book from a library but I live in Phoenix. ^_^

  3. vicki says:

    how awesome! i’m so glad you’re enjoying mollie’s cookbook. we’ve gotta try the Chewy Energy Circles. and thanks so much for the shout-out! :o) how about vegan with a vengeance –that’s pretty cool too, huh? generation t looks great also — i want to remodle clothes like you.

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