A look back: Part one

I thought I’d use a few posts to share some of the gifts I made and swap goodies I received over the month of December.

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First up, for my aspiring little chef, I made this apron. I love the fabric with its “Paris Metro” design. The pocket has a cup, bowl and coffee cup applique with painted accents. Can you see the fast action stirring that he is demonstrating? Who needs electric beaters with this kind of super amazing speed!


Along with his apron he received the following three books for inspiration. All three are very kid friendly with wonderfully illustrated instructions and all are written by one of my most favorite vegetarian cookbook writers, Mollie Katzen.

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And lastly, I made a little zipper wristlet with the same “Metro Paris” fabric. It’s for a youngish and much more fashionable friend of the family. I hope she liked it.

This entry was posted in Fun kid stuff, Holiday Hoopla, i make stuff, Reading, Sewing. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to A look back: Part one

  1. Pingback: Sewing » Blog Archive » A look back: Part one

  2. Jessica says:

    i love the metro paris fabric! wonderful work you’ve done. happy 2007

  3. beki says:

    That metro paris fabric is great! Just perfect for those projects. Your little chef is adorable 😉

  4. rebecca says:

    How could she not like that wristlet!?! And that boy of yours…..what a CUTIE! I give you credit to let your kids help in kitchen.

  5. Sarah says:

    This is great! Super E has such beautiful eyes!

  6. melissa says:

    what a beautiful little chef. I love mollie katzen too- good on you for starting your boys early!

  7. raesha says:

    VERY cool!!! I love Mollie – I’ll have to check out those kids booke:)

  8. Lauri says:

    LOVE that apron! And that stirring demo is too cute! We have a couple of Mollie Katzen’s cookbooks, but I’ve never seen her children’s ones.

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