Snow Day!

There’s nothing better than having a dreaded work meeting cancelled because of snow. This place I live in just isn’t equiped for 1″ of snow which pretty much melted by noon.

snowy mtn


So, I stayed home and enjoyed my new birthday book.

Admired my pretty brithday card…

and ate lots of yummy left-over B-day cake.

A really nice snow day!

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4 Responses to Snow Day!

  1. Anastasia says:

    like a perfect snow day! I have that book too although havent made anything yet

  2. michelle says:

    That snow photo is surreal. It looks like a movie or an illustration. 🙂

  3. rebecca says:

    I can’t believe the snow. Glad you got to enjoy it. But it is funny how when a community isn’t used to a bit of snow it can hault everything. Happy Birthday btw……I am checking up but getting terribly distracted, so I will be back, but a sincere happy birthday….and you are a spring chicken to me, but my kids are programmed to think I am eternally 29!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day and that this year is filled with good health, love, friendship, peace and prosperity.

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