I love……

Banana, walnut, chocolate chip pancakes…..

E and I : they love eachother……

these little hands that belong to a big heart….

Organic strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and sharing them with my Valentine.

Happy heart day. May today, and every day be filled with everything you love.

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4 Responses to I love……

  1. Anastasia says:

    Happy Valentines Day Regina!!
    Yummy treats to share….your boys are so cute! they’ve grown so much huh?

  2. Aunt Jenny says:

    SO much cuteness! Happy love day sister! I love you!

  3. Wow those strawberries look delicious! Did you dip them yourself?

  4. Kit says:

    Those little boys are cute and will be very sweet to if you keep feeding them those yummy deserts!!

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