Squared off and gifts

First the gifts:

An art piece for my brother-in-law, soon to be RN. I worked on the face for a long time and finally decided I liked it best the way it is.

A little bag for my sister:

Front with button clasp, back with pocket.

(C & J, hope you don’t mind seeing these here first. You know how I am about getting birthday gifts off in a timely manner. Happy birthday to you two!)

A quick note about how I square off bags(gussetting). When asked, I usually point people to this great tutorial, but my pics show how I usually do it. Either way works great.

Just thought I’d share. 🙂

Happy Birthday to my main squeeze, who I’d really love to squeeze right now, but he’s out of town for a couple of days. Just wait till you get back, you squeezable guy you!!!

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5 Responses to Squared off and gifts

  1. cindy says:

    Thanks for sharing! I still do the separate panel on the bottom and sides. I’ve got to try that one.

  2. Aunt Jenny says:

    Awww Sista!!!! I love them both and I know Chris will love the piece of artwork. They are perfect! You are the bestest! I love you ever so muchly:)
    Miss you!
    Aunt Jenny

  3. Kelli says:

    Nice! I wondered how you did that. I do it very similarly, although I cut the excess off when I am done.
    Hope you are having a great week!

  4. Anastasia says:

    you are always so creative!! i love your art piece…how cool!!

  5. That art piece is so neat and the bag quite lovely!

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