Sew,Mama,Sew! and Handmade for the Holidays

Pincushions are the theme for today. Have you seen it yet? Sew,Mama,Sew’s 30 days of gifts to sew. I’m not making everything on the list, but it is a pretty great list of handmade gift ideas to inspire and get us through the season. I’ve already printed out the list so I can circle and check things off as I go.

Pincushions, check!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.orgAnd speaking of handmade, I am also pledging to “buy handmade this holiday season and request that others do the same for me.”  Not that I was expecting anyone to go out and buy me anything, except for maybe my husband, and he knows what I want–don’t you baby.  Um, sorry about that.  I’m also not trying to tick anyone off either.  It’s just important to me and my family to only buy quality handmade or thifted items.  Books, I’d have to say are the only exception, although used books are always good too. I also have a few choice things to say about plastic toys for the kids, but I will save that for another time and place.  Or you can see this great post that says it all so nicely!

On a completly different note, I have to point out this very nice post.  Carla over at Feathered Fibers did a “featured blog” post about me and my creative kismetness.  It’s so dang nice that I got a little choked up about it.  Thank you so much Carla!

P.S.  One of those pincushions is for a certain Fall swapper who is probably anxiously waiting for her package to arrive.  The other pincushion was made from the very fabric squares that this said swapper sent to me already.  I will post about my most wonderful package that she sent on Monday.  (sorry to be teasing you like this, Elizabeth)

Have a fabulous weekend,


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5 Responses to Sew,Mama,Sew! and Handmade for the Holidays

  1. Very pretty pincushions! 🙂 Did you use a tutorial for making them or just your own pattern?

  2. Carla says:

    You are very welcome, Regina! Love the new pin cushion tutorial, too! Regards, Carla

  3. Rebecca says:

    Nice!! And what a wonderful post about you over at Feathered Fibers…..loved it.

  4. Grandma Cindy says:

    I love these pincushions. Is there a tutoural?? I’m soooo putting this on my Christmas list. Hint Hint
    Love to all.

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