
Thank you again, for all of your warm comments. I appreciate and adore them all.

I picked 3 random winners…… (per

# 17 —Lisa   Will get the love fairy & hand stamped notecards.

# 35–Teresa  will get some hand-stamped notecards.

#44– Hilde C   will also get some hand-stamped notecards.

Sorry I can’t give you all a valentine fairy, but I haven’t even made any more like I had planned.  The notecards I carved today and will share with you tomorrow.

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5 Responses to Winners

  1. Lisa says:

    Woo Hoo and Yeehaw!! I love that little love fairy and I will give her a good home, I promise!

  2. HildeC says:

    What a wonderful surprise – thank you very much!

  3. Teresa says:

    YAY! I’m so surprised – I’m tickled pink!

    Thank you!

  4. Lisa says:

    I didn’t read carefully enough to realize I was going to get notecards TOO!! I got blinded by the love fairy and didn’t notice the notecards! I promise to give them a good home too. Again, thank you, thank you!

  5. flossy-p says:

    Oh man, I can’t believe I missed this. Congratulations to the winners! 🙂

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