Little Fabric Flower Box

I don’t know what got into me yesterday, but all I could do was make this little box. I was obsessed. I did have a few minor interuptions, like taking Super-E to School, picking him up, making meals, showering, a work meeting, ya know, that daily life stuff.  I’d finish up these minor little set backs, and run back to this little box.  Thank goodness my mom was here to entertain the kids.

It all started with THIS video by etsy lab, which progressed to trying to figure out how to make it out of fabric and with a smaller lid.   After fiddling around with several pieces of paper, I finally got the pattern for this pretty little box.

What is it for you ask?  I have no idea.  A gift, earrings,  buttons maybe.  I’m really not sure why I made it, I just knew I had to and I had to do it NOW.  Now that it is done, I’m feeling much more calm and satisfied. Funny how crafting whims do that.

I’m running out of time now, but if anyone is interested, I can give instructions for this. You could totally figure it out on your own if you watched the video, but I added a few things and made some minor adjustments to the lid.  Anyway, just let me know in the comments.

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6 Responses to Little Fabric Flower Box

  1. Stephanie says:

    I love it and I love how you just had to make it.

  2. Sharon says:

    Hi that is so so pretty and I would love ot know how you made it


  3. Michelle says:

    Love everything about it, the colors, the dots, the ladybugs, the rose. Are you kidding me? Of *course* I want to know how you made it. Unless you’re planning on making me one with an extra spare day you have lying around…

  4. It would make a fabulous gift box! Or a little container for jewelry on a dresser… So cute!

  5. Terisa says:

    I think it’s fantastic. get it on etsy!

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