10 Days of Happiness- Day 9

We had so much fun taking these pictures.

We very rarely go out at night much anymore with the kids, but when we do we are met with bounds of excitement from the boys.  Being out in the dark and seeing all of the colorful bright lights is quite exciting for them.   The last time we were out late, after visiting family, I just happened to have my camera with me on the drive home.  I set my camera on ‘night scene’ which is a slower shutter speed setting and let them go at it.  Pointing the camera towards the lights with small circular movements while clicking the shutter button gave them these wonderful swirly and lively shots.  They were more than pleased with the light they captured.

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5 Responses to 10 Days of Happiness- Day 9

  1. Andrea says:

    Wow. Those are wicked cool!

  2. mom2fur says:

    Thanks for doing this 10 days of Happiness, ’cause it sure made me smile to look over your wonderful pictures. I’m glad I hopped by today!

  3. Bruce says:

    Did we forget something? Like the Ritalin?

    Ha ha ha hee hee

  4. areeya says:

    that ‘s very intersting!

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