It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. ~Henry David Thoreau
These are my sister’s beautiful, beautiful eyes. She will be having a corneal translplant in one of her eyes on Monday. She has what is called kerataconus which is a disease that makes the cornea of her eyes grow into the shape of a cone making it very difficult for her to see. She’s had problems with her eyes for so long, they finally deemed her in need of corrective surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts as she goes through surgery and recovery.
I have sent her some healing light.
I hope all goes well for your sister, i’m sure she will be looking forward to seeing all that sits before her once it’s done, i can’t imagine struggling to see, i wear glasses and there is such a small prescription but i do think they have deteriorated since i’ve had them and i hate struggling to see things particularly on the pc x
I wish her al the best. Hope everything goes well!
Hey, pop over and check out my latest post, hope you’ll join me 🙂
Your sister has beautiful eyes indeed !
I’m sending good thoughts her (and your) way.
I’ll be praying for the best.
Lifting Up Prayers for Your Sister!!!
God Bless You and Yours and
Yours Sister’s Eye Site!!!
I pray everything goes well with her surgery.
She has beautiful eyes. I will say a prayer for her.
She does have lovely eyes. And I’m wrapping her in the warm golden glow of healing love. Here’s to all the new things she’ll see — including her very cool nephews and that tortoise. 🙂
Wishing her a speedy recovery.
What an amazing gift!
Eye stuff scares me silly, really. My cat stepped *in* my eye thirteen years ago and tore my cornea. That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life (yes, including childbirth). But even worse than the pain was the hours of terror when I didn’t know if I was going to be blind in one eye or not. I will be thinking of you and your sister and sending good wishes her way.
i hope it all went well for her! Hugs!
pretty eyes!
Absolutely keeping her (and you) in my thoughts – I hope the surgery goes smoothly!
i’ll be praying for her, indeed!