8 x 10 mixed-media on canvas
Here is a look at the second painting I did for Breastfeeding Week. I will share the third painting later this week.
I also made some mini canvas panels (inspired by this video) out of pre-gessoed canvas and scraps of archival matt board. Used a bit of modge podge to glue on the canvas. They are 2.5 x 3.5 inches–the perfect size for artist trading cards. They are so small and cute that I might make more just to have around for painting in mini size. Tomorrow I am hoping to paint them, especially because I owe someone a trading card.
I like the idea of creating a wall art collage out of trading card paintings; I wonder whether your breastfeeding paintings could be showed at a breastfeeding center, hospital, or women’s center?
BTW, I am loving this series, 🙂
I like this one a lot. Very peaceful and maternal. One of my little ones always had to have my hair in his hand.
This is such a cool idea! I’m going to try this out. You’ve got such a great blog! I’ve enjoyed looking through it at all your creative talent. I look forward to getting to know you better in the fishbowl!
Hi, great work! It’s my first time to find your blog but will check it out frequently after that. Best days..
Hi and thanks for adding me. My web page is related with psychological issues and I’m looking for orginal pictures and paints. Is it possible if I use some of your work’s pic in my articles? of course by giving link to your lovely page..