connect :: self

Connect (available in my shop)

Still more connecting going on over here.  Can’t be enough of that, right?  Connectedness with your inner self is the most important kind of connecting, I think.  Being true to yourself, having peace within, giving yourself what you need to be whole, mindful and complete. Then, and only then can you fully connect with everyone and everything around you.

I am creating, singing, dancing, drinking tea, reading, getting enough sleep, writing, drawing, hugging, kissing and doing my yoga to keep myself centered.  What are doing?  What makes you feel the most centered and connected? I’d love to know.

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5 Responses to connect :: self

  1. Paula says:

    I live by the ocean, so many times my centering just takes a drive to the beach with a nice long walk, or sometimes a beach chair and a good book if the weather’s good enough.

  2. I just wanted to say congrats on 4 years of blogging 🙂 I am so glad to have “met” you & gotten to know you through our blogs Regina! 🙂

    I think the things that keep me feeling centered & connected are definitely creating & sewing, viewing my world through my camera lens, sleep (so important but often forgotten!), writing, taking time to slow down & just breathe, taking walks, and my sweet hubby who reminds me to take the time for all these things. Plus a good cup of tea while chatting with a friend always helps 🙂 It was fun to read your list 🙂

  3. linda says:

    I think a bit of regression helps…I doodle and color with my niece and drift off to wherever it takes me! Just to remember the fun of it all, not the pressure or deadlines or must finish ideas!

  4. Morning, nice peice. I think my art keeps me centered, in one place, one mind and open to suggestion. Since i gave up listening to my self hypnosis tape as it had become my crutch for so long i no long have official me time so when i create is my time. I even managed some on holiday while hubby and our son were in the room, that comes down to releasing old patterns, although no doubt they’ll continue now were home. Keep smiling 🙂

  5. Leah says:

    Oh, I love this piece! Beautiful! And I totally agree, you need to connect to yourself first. Some of the things I do to stay connected to myself are getting some quiet time, walks in the woods, making art, exercise, and writing.

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