
just thought I’d share a few things…

This lovely brooch from Kirsten from a little swap we did a while back.  I love wearing it and think I need to make some different kinds. They are so fun to wear! (Kirsten is giving some very lovely little birthday cards away- go see!)

Some new art stuff.  Pan Pastels and Neocolor II Aquarelle Artists’ Crayons. Yay!!  I’ll be playing with them very, very soon. And a cute little wallet from the hubby. Having a favorite list on Etsy is very handy!


* Alicia Silverstone will be on Oprah tomorrow (01/26), along with Michael Pollan, chatting about food choices.

* I am totally wanting to make this Origami wrap sweater. I just can’t find the jersey knit in a color that I like.

* How to live in the moment on wikiHow.

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5 Responses to randomness

  1. Thanks for sharing, love your brooch and love the wikiHow article, perfect 🙂

  2. Sharon says:

    Tee hee – I shared my Etsy favs with my DH! Hint! Birthday in March!

  3. kirsten says:

    those new art supplies are making me drool!

  4. oh heck! What an awesome list! I love randomness!

  5. Flassie says:

    The brooch is really lovely and the wallet
    is really cute!!

    Can’t wait to see what color you make your origami wrap.

    I had to laugh when I read focus on whatever
    you are doing, all the while out of the corner
    of my right eye I could see the recent changes scrolling in movement while I tried to read the article. lol!

    Most of the time I wake up with the birds.
    Only on occasion do I use the alarm. But
    I usually wake up before it goes off. lol!
    I do not have it next to my bed either. That
    way I have to get up to turn it off.

    Thanks for sharing the very good article.

    I haven’t had the tv on since Sunday.
    It is so nice without it.

    I do want to watch The legend of the three trees. I read the book. It is a children’s book and it is a movie too.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

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