be passionate::be fearless::be strong
Look what I got in the mail yesterday. A beautiful Beth Quinn necklace, a gift from my sister, for no reason at all. Okay, well… she says because I’m always giving her free art. But, that’s because she is one of my biggest fans and supporters. She will listen to me go on, and on, and on about my dreams and plans. Plus she is my sister and mother to the cutest little Ruby girl, whom I also love to pieces. I just love that she loves what I do. So giving her some art, here and there, is just a small token of appreciation.
Thank you my dear sister. I LOVE this necklace so much!!
What a lovely necklace! Supportive sisters are just simply the best! (independent of surprise-gifts 🙂
Gorgeous! I love that necklace. A VERY thoughtful sister you have.
oh this neclace is soooo beautiful!! xoxox I have been missing you so much this week! finally able to get on the computer today (and came here first after your class site of course :o)) Thanks for all the wonderfullness that is you!!! have a super week!
What a beautiful necklace, what a special gift to receive! <3
Wow, i really love her jewelry! adding to my wish list.