
If you are following my facebook page, you might already know that I gave my notice at work a couple of days ago.

This is one of the bravest things I have ever done. Calling on my deepest courage to make the plunge and do something I’ve only dreamt about doing for years. I will no longer be working as a nurse. I will be releasing myself from a safe, secure profession and am going to run full force into the unknown and be an artist.

It has taken me a long time to come to this decision and find the perfect time to finally take the leap, and I have to say that there is no perfect time. I just know that the time is now. The anxiety I’ve been having is the struggle in my head that goes something like this: Should I do this? Do I know what I am doing? Will this work? Will we make it? Then, I take a look at my life, my supportive husband, all my dreams and the growing list of things I want to accomplish as an artist and I’m left with an incredibly strong urge and calling to do this.  A feeling in my gut that has been screaming at me, “do this now, take the leap, it will be so worth it!” And when I get past all the logistics and worries, I feel like I’m floating on a happy cloud with a deep sense of gratitude and strong sense that this will work out, one way or another, because I don’t think I could possibly do nursing ever again.  Because all I’ve ever wanted, since I was a small child, was to make art, inspire and teach what I know.

August 31st marks my last day at work and marks the beginning of my new journey. I just have to remember to breathe and enjoy the ride!

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23 Responses to courage

  1. I am so proud of you and for you. Blessings

  2. kristin says:

    good for you Regina! you will shine on this new path of yours, i am sure of it. when i took the plunge and opened my school, i just kept reminding myself…if not now-when? and i never looked back. all my best to you. x

  3. That is wonderful Regina. I imagine it is like thinking there is a perfect time to start a family. 🙂 So happy for you! You will continue to do wonderfully. I know it. You have a big heart and tons of talent. Cheers to you on this new journey! xoxo

  4. angela says:

    Congratulations! What a big change for you and your family. What a blessing…and the art world is in for a treat!

  5. Shannon says:

    Congratulations on your new move forward. After following your work for a little while now, I can tell that your soul and your passion will propel you in the right direction. Looks like you are probably an indispensable part of your community, and that is the first step to success in the Arts. Good luck!

  6. elsa says:

    What a big step for an even bigger dream ~ congratulations!

  7. “Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, know what’s even scarier? Regret.” (— Unknown)

    So go bravely into your new life and just enjoy it to pieces. How wonderful that your husband is supportive! You have abundant talent — so it’s time to share with the rest of the world and make it a more beautiful place. As a nurse, you worked on healing people’s bodies. Now, as an artist, you can work on healing their souls. Good luck!!!

  8. Alexandra says:

    Good for you, my friend, way to follow your heart.

  9. Marianne says:

    YAY! Good for you and way to claim yourself publicly! Keep floating on that happy cloud. Thank goodness for artists like you who do have the courage to follow their dreams! You become a role model for others who need that courage as well!

  10. Mónica says:

    Good luck in your journey! God be with you.From Argentina thats my wish for you. You have a huge amount of talent, simply Trust.

  11. Jamie says:

    I am a more recent follower of your blog and seeing your output, thought you were already doing this full time! You already have everything you need and are already doing what you are wanting to do. I am so glad you will be doing even more of it now! Can’t wait to see what comes of it, many good things I know. Best wishes….

  12. Vickie says:

    You go!!!! I look forward to following your adventrue!

  13. Angella says:

    Well done Regina. You were born to be an artist. Now that you have made a definite decision the universe will come to your aid and support all your efforts. It just works that way – strange but true. All WILL be well. Let go of the fear and anxiety ( I read once that all fear has its origin in a lie) So believe in your truth and go forward. You will surely be blessed. You ARE doing the RIGHT thing!

    (Can I just add that I sooooo love hearing your kids in the “background” on your videos- I miss the time when my boys were little (so much) – they are now 25 and 20.
    much love

  14. Tammy says:

    YAY!!! Brave amazing and wonderful! Thats what you are. I know you will be a success Regina! You have such a good heart and such talent! blessings to you today dear one! Congrats on following your dream xoxox

  15. Mariette says:

    Dear Regina!
    That is so wonderful~
    Wishing you all the best in your new adventure!
    You will do great;-) xox

  16. amy says:

    I know how wild and wonderful this time must be for you, but I think the timing is perfect!

    Wishing you lots of fun & confidence on your way…

  17. Nancy says:

    Congratulations on making the big leap. I too had thought that you were already a full time artist. Can’t wait to see what you do now that you can devote more time to your passion.

  18. kt says:

    I am so happy and excited for you! This is such the right choice I feel it all the way over here. YES more time for what is YOU! continue to let your light shine. It is so bright Regina, that we can’t help but see your work glow:)
    xo katy

  19. Rebecca says:

    Nicely done Regina! So excited for you 🙂 And you CAN do this! I just read a quote the other day and I think this post embodies it: “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” – Thucydides

  20. Pinkie says:

    Congrats and all the best Regina. Great use of colors! Those colors would definitely pop even more on canvas. Cheers and keep up the awesome work. You have all our support!

  21. Mousy Brown says:

    Congratulations, I know now IS the perfect time…enjoy! xx

  22. Joyce says:


    I envy your decision and can’t wait to follow along and watch how great your success will be!

  23. Michelle says:

    My dear, amazing, fabulous friend! How did I manage to miss this?! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am for you. Excited, nervous, but mostly proud and a little bit giddy! You live your dreams, you are my hero.


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