I finally finished these quilts for my boys. I started them in 2010, but then was afraid of quilting them, so they sat and sat and sat.
So, of course, a few days before Christmas I got this wild idea to finally finish them and give them on Christmas day.
Surprisingly, there was nothing to fear all along. I quilted both blankets in one day. One is done with a large criss-cross pattern and the other is free-motion craziness. The criss-cross was way quicker, but the free-motion was way more fun.
They are both small, fitting perfectly on top of their bunk beds with no over hang.
They love their new blankets and I am so happy I finished them before they got too big.
Honestly, two years is pretty quick for quilts as lovely and painstakingly crafted as those! Quilts are heirlooms to be treasured and touched and enjoyed for generations to come. The two years you put into them only add to their specialness. They carry a part of your life with them forever. That’s so cool!
Awww, that is a really beautiful way to think about it! Thanks for you sweet words 🙂
Beautiful work and lovely keepsakes for your boys!
Thanks Amy!
Really lovely quilts ~ your boys will love them for a long time!
I know how you feel about the quilting part ~ I have the same fear and then I do it and it turns out so nice ~ I don’t know why I wait to do things so long.
I want to make one for myself (for sitting on the couch & watching movies). I hope I remember not to fear the quilting!
I can’t choose which I love best…both so different and both really beautiful! What a perfect Christmas gift 😀
Thanks Mousy Brown. The boys picked their own fabric a few years ago and I was surprises to see how differently they chose. Fortunately, they still like the same colors.
Holy Toledo, Regina! All that quilting in one day??? You’re amazing! And your boys are very lucky!
those are gorgeous
Love this Regina! Good for you tackling the fear of quilting! It is always nerve wracking the first few times quilting, but it is amazing how quickly the quilting becomes the fun part (at least to me it did :)! Love the colors you used on both quilts!