8 years of blogging ((giveaway!!))

Make a Wish art by Regina Lord

My blog turned 8 years old this week.

Make a Wish art by Regina Lord

I am so thankful for this little web-space of mine.  It has brought about so many wonderful things in my life. It has connected me to so many like minded and beautiful souls across the globe and that has been it’s greatest gift.  It also gives me a place to share my art, my life and my dreams.

Thank you for coming to visit me and my creative little world.  I appreciate you with all my heart.

Now, this wouldn’t be a blogiversary celebration without a little giveaway.

I’m giving away 8 mini-prints to, 1 each, to 8 lucky creative kismet readers!  Leave a comment telling me which print you like best (take a look here in my shop). The winners will receive either a 5 x 5 or 5 x 7 inch print and will be announced on Monday.

Thank you for 8 beautiful years!

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30 Responses to 8 years of blogging ((giveaway!!))

  1. Clare says:

    It is hard to choose just one. I would have to pick – “To Thine Ownself Be True” – with the elephant.

  2. Colleen says:

    I agree with Clare; so tough to choose. Since I must, for the opportunity, I Summer Solstice especially appeals to me; I love summer, and when I look at this image I can almost feel the sun in my face as I sit out in our yard enjoying the view and the singing birds. Love it!

  3. I love love love “Silence” so much. Maybe bc with four kids I don’t get much of it around here…but probably it’s because of that most righteous red hat. I love that red hat. Congratulations on an amazing near-decade!

  4. ulla fredriksson says:

    You have so many lovely paintings.

    For me Let your light shine and I will help you grow are the first choices.They are in different styles and I find the light in the first one and in the second the meaning of being a mother or a grandmother.
    Thaks for letting is meeting you also in pictures.

  5. Amanda says:

    How amazingly generous of you to give something to us on your blogiversary when, really, reading your blog and taking your class have already been a gift to me.
    ‘ To Thine Own Self Be True’ speaks to my soul!

  6. angella says:

    Thank YOU for 8 beautiful years. Your blog is my favorite place to get inspired – it always lifts my spirit. (Please dont ever stop blogging Regina) 🙂 Of all your paintings my all-time-favorite has to be “I paint because I need to” . CONGRATULATIONS on 8 years of blogging. (My blog is a year old this year ) 🙂

  7. Nancy says:

    I’ve certainly enjoyed it since happening upon it a few years back. My favorite: “Today is a Beautiful Day Bird and Bloom”


  8. Yanik says:

    Congratulations ! I’ve been following for quite some time and it’s been so inspiring to see you grow as an artist. Your creations are all beautiful, so it would be hard to name a favourite. Let your light shine really speaks to my heart right now.

    Warm thanks for sharing your light and your colours with us!

  9. Erin says:

    i love this one – make a wish.

  10. kt says:

    eight years! you have put so much wonderful posts out there for all of us!!! I remember when i first found your blog through a country living magazine where they featured a paper bag list you made and i asked to make it a link for jenny doh’s blog…….i was in Italy at the time….wow the power of blogs:) i am smiling now….so happy to know you Regina!
    xoxo katy

  11. Audrey says:

    Regina, your art is fabulous. I love your color palette and expression, and I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. It almost makes me wish I painted. (Almost–I’m a textile girl.)

    I always thought my favorite print was Live Brightly, but I think I’m changing my mind. I really like Daydream Believer! 🙂

    Thank you for eight years of hard work and the beautiful art that has come out of your efforts. Happy blogiversary!

  12. Barb says:

    Thank you, Regina, for sharing your wonderful artwork with us! I really like the “Live Brightly” print in your shop. Happy 8 years!

  13. Charoula Nikolaidou says:

    i am a new friend of the blog. Your work is super. My preferable is To Thine Own Self Be True ! thanks !

  14. Tina H in N.C. says:

    So hard to pick one! But I’m going to go with Let your light shine – Moon. I think you painted that during the super moon or blue moon of this past summer. ?? It’s beautiful and uplifting as is all of your work. 🙂

  15. Teri B in Tucson says:

    Congratulations on your 8 year celebration!!! I so enjoy your posts and your artwork… you bring something extra special and joyous into this world through your art, and I am grateful for that. Along that thinking, I would have to choose your most unique elephant painting: “To Thine Own Self Be True.” I would like to hang it in my little daughter’s room, as we always share this sentiment with her in many ways… be thankful for who God made you and don’t waste your time trying to be like anyone else, just be and be happy! 🙂 She is also a very colorful gal in every way, so it suits her for many reasons. All the best!

  16. margaret says:

    Congratulations! I love your art and your blog, and have enjoyed your e-courses! You are very generous and inspiring. Hard to choose, but I would love, love, love your Let Your Light Shine print! Thanks : )

  17. Carol Ross says:

    Mother and Baby Drifting to Sleep. Is really sweet.

  18. christy says:

    oh Regina, congratulations!
    I really hope you realize how much your blog and e-courses inspire!
    what a gift you are to the world!

    and if, by some lucky chance, my name gets picked for this extra blog-birthday gift, I would have to pick “be thankful always”….so important for me to remember this and something I seem to be struggling a bit with on the eve of Thanksgiving day here in Canada. Thanks for the reminder!!!

    with love and THANKS!!!

  19. Kona says:

    Day Dreaming… Kitties are irresistibly cute.

  20. Beate says:

    Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your creative work with us in such a generous way. Best wishces from Hamburg

  21. corinne says:

    Happy Anniversary!!! My favorites would be Portrait of Young Girl, Let the Sunshine In and Give Thanks Every Single Day. Love your work! If I win, please surprise me! 🙂

  22. Happy Blogaversary Regina. You have a wonderful blog and have become such a special friend to me. I was telling friends about you this weekend and encouraging them to follow your blog and your art. My favorite is Mother and Baby drifting to sleep. It is so calming and I love the blending of colors.

    Your art is so expressive.

  23. Anne in NC says:

    Sorry — I can’t pick just one! So here’s my 3 favorites: Play! Girl on Swing in Garden and Glorious Morning Tea and Yippee Yay Hooray – Celebrate Life. Happy Anniversary!! And thank you for the generous giveaway.

  24. elsa says:

    Eight years is a long time to be blogging! Congratulations!
    My favorite prints are Cactus Wren with prickly pear and Find Your Sparkle ~ couldn’t just pick one!
    Thank you so much for this generous giveaway!

  25. Helen says:

    Congratulations on 8 years! Well done!
    I like your “Let your light shine” print best I think, it’s such a positive message for anyone

  26. Catherine says:

    I have been following your blog for about a year, and find your blog to be so creative! I love the print of mother and child “I will help you grow”. Your spirit brightly shines through your beautiful art and uplifting words of your blog 🙂 Congratulations on your. 8th blog anniversary!!

  27. Amanda says:

    hmmm, I was going to say the Let Your Light Shine, but then I saw the Glorious Morning Tea. But then again, I love the way you do your people. Those eyes captivate me in every photo.
    Yes, The Glorious Tea it is, since I’m a tea snob, er lover.
    Congrats on the 8 years. May you continue to grow and offer your talents to the world!
    thanks for sharing.

  28. Anna says:

    Happy bloggiversary! It may be too late to comment, but I like Glorious Tea. Love the bird in that.

  29. angela says:

    I already own my absolute favorites…give thanks every single day and the giving bird, but if I have to choose another it is difficult. I love them all. I will help you grow is next in line….that and glorious tea.
    Congratulations on 8 years. It has been delightful to see your work progress. I continue to hope that I will gain some artistic talent through osmosis 🙂

  30. MelBee says:

    *Happy 8th Blog anniversary * Where has the time gone!…so much beautiful art and lovely sharing that you do…your joyful soul really shines through your art and it is always such a pleasure to visit your blog. I appreciate all that you have shared through your courses….and raise a glass to you and your onward journey Regina.xx

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