8 winners!

8 mini print winners

Thank you so much for patiently waiting for me to finally announce the winners of my 8th blogiversary giveaway.

Here they all are. I will be notifying all the winners by email.

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I truly wish I could send everyone a mini-print!

Love Always,


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5 Responses to 8 winners!

  1. Awwww, girl. You’ve made my month. Thank you so much and much love to you and your endeavors moving forward. You know I’ll be checking and leaving love! xoxo

  2. Tina H in N.C. says:

    Regina, thank you so much! Today was a tough day, so it was wonderful to come home this wonderful news! I love your art and the positive inspiration it invokes. Paint on!! 🙂 Best, Tina

  3. kt says:

    Yahoo to the winners, you lucky souls!
    xo katy

  4. Barb says:

    Wow, thank you so much!

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