I started this little painting last night.
I needed to paint something, anything! It has been a while since I’ve painted whatever floats into my mind.
I am in the midst of working on the 2016 calendar for Bic. I turned in my sketches on Monday morning and am waiting for approval before I can start painting. So, I am feeling a little in limbo while I wait.
(sold! Thank you)
So, I made this painting small, 7×7 with the painted imaged 6×6 inches. It’s on heavy weight watercolor paper with acrylic paint and colored pencils.
This portrait of the two women could be friends or sisters. In the close-up above, they seem sad and then when you zoom out, one seems strong and stoic, while the other seems soft and sweet. Maybe the woman on the left carries unspoken words, and the other speaks too freely. You just never know because things are not always as they seem.
because of the frame it looks like a polaroid photograph.
for me both women are friends. one is stricken with sorrows, the other one consoles her.
i love it. above all…the colors in the background.
?, doro K.
I wonder why there is such a difference in perception depending on the view. Your take was exactly what mine was. Fascinating.
Beautiful work as always.
Their expressions are priceless, its a very poignant painting, it speaks a thousand words. It is my favorite painting of yours ever! I am crazy about it. Is it for sale and how much would it cost? (You can PM me on Facebook)
Absolutely beautiful work. Love this so much.