summertime planning

summer goal list

This is the first time in 8months that I don’t have an upcoming art show to prep for. Art show season is over until October because of the hot summer heat.  Now, I am in the midst of trying to figure out what to do until then.  So, I created this fun little goal list/planner for the summer. I got the idea from HERE and used a little bigger piece of paper for more sticky notes.  I have added things to do for my creative biz and blog, and also things to do with my kids. I think it will inspire me and motivate me to keep going through the summer months.

weather station
Printable Weather Station

Summers are hard for the kids because a lot of their friends are away and it is so hot during the day. They go out and play with Freya and ride their bike in the early morning but there is still big chunks of the day where they are inside.  We limit their computer/game/TV time so activities, games and books to read are a must.

I’ve had them list some of the things they want to do this summer. My little guy (age 9) is all for making stuff, but that bigger, almost teenage guy (soon to be 13), well it’s a little harder for him. All he wants to do is skype his friends, listen to dubstep (which my husband and I call robot music) and play minecraft, which is fine some of the time.

So we’ve come up with a list of things we are going to try to do this summer (aside from the usual swimming, trips up the mountain and bike rides).  One of them was to make a weather station for I-guy (above).  Unfortunately the weather doesn’t change much around here. Mostly it is just HOT and not raining!


* Vegan mint chip ice cream, frozen pops and other fun treats.
* This pencil bow & arrow and this popsicle stick one.
* Paper Tardis (I have a serious Dr. Who fan in my home)
* Erupting ice cubes
* Homemade play dough (always a favorite)
* Can-do robots
* DIY aqua scopes
* Homemade slime
* Tin Can Lanterns
* Constellation Jars
* Scratch art

My oldest may not want to do everything on this list, but I bet he will be very interested in some of them. And I know my youngest will be delighted to try all of these. I have to keeping trying to do these kinds of things with them before it’s too late and they become cranky teenage boys.

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One Response to summertime planning

  1. angella says:

    i love this post. so inspiring!!!

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