Tag Archives: Handmade Gifts
good friends and goodies
I am truly lucky to have met such lovely fellow bloggers who have now become friends and who are just so sweet to send goodies my way. Michelle over at Greetingarts is one of the very first friends that I … Continue reading
Shop update
Sunshine Bird Ornament I’ve had a lot of things half finished for the past 6 months that I needed to get done in order to move on with other craft stuff. Pincushions in need of buttons and birds in need … Continue reading
Placemat #2 with Directions
My little I-guy was quite insistent that I make him a placemat like his brother’s. He picked the fabric, buttons and ribbon and led me into the craft room, sat down and waited for me to make him his placemat! … Continue reading
stick puppets
These are for a little guy who will be turning 8 this weekend. Stick puppets made from felt, embroidery thread, popsicle sticks and glue. He is very much into Harry Potter right now and has just finished all 7 of … Continue reading
for daddy
We celebrated Father’s Day last Friday because I worked all weekend. We had a jolly ol’ time. Daddy went for a long bike ride while we painted, stitched and baked. It was a good time, but the best part was … Continue reading
Eye care about stuff
A little pun for you. Just feeling a little goofy, and tired this morning. Maybe I’m feeling an adrenaline high from all of the positive feedback about my show. The nervous queasiness is there making a slow and steadily increasing … Continue reading
Rose Petal Mint Jelly
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses. — James Oppenheim, “Bread and Roses” This is the first of three recipes using rose petals (hopefully). I have 21 rose bushes, about 12 different varieties- all … Continue reading
Things that make me smile….
~I won this wonderful little fabric basket made from a recycled sweater with the most beautiful ceramic buttons. It came to me from Jan at Alpine Life, who lives in Germany. What a joy it was to open her recycled … Continue reading
Baby Owl Set
Another little baby set for a friend at work. Not the greatest picture. I snapped this at 640 am, just before heading to work yesterday morning. I love those little owls. ******Related Posts****** Big Baby Package for my Friends More … Continue reading
pretties for a pretty girl
These were made for my niece Jasmine. They are button bracelet bands. Made simply with elastic (the underwear kind), buttons and blanket stitch around the edges to keep the elastic together. I found the elastic at a fabric-by-the-pound place, which … Continue reading