Tag Archives: pins
more pins and magnets
Thank you so much for all your input on my last set of magnets/brooches. I finally decided to make the smaller ones into magnets and the larger into pins. I got into a really nice groves getting these all done. … Continue reading
Posted in Art, i make stuff
Tagged Art, artfest 2010, artfest trades, brooches, encaustic, Handmade Gifts, handpainted, magnets, pins, small art, wax
pins or magnets?
Here are some trades that I have been working on for artfest. I think I got a little carried away. They were supposed to be simple, quick and really easy, but I loved the process. I just got lost in … Continue reading
Posted in Art, i make stuff
Tagged brooches, hand painted, Handmade Gifts, magnets, pins, wooded discs