New Bell-chime

Bell Makings.jpgbell1.jpgbell2.jpg

Here is a bell/chime that I put together out of random things I had around the house. My grandfather (who is an avid junk and jewel collector) loves going to yard sales and buying junk that he thinks are jewels in the rough. Unfortunately for the whole family, we are the ones that ends up with his junk. Over the years, I have been given quite a large collection of old costume jewelry, some of it nice and some not so nice. These things I treasure and enjoy looking through. They remind me of my many years I’ve spent with both my grandparents. My grandfather has also given me lots of other stuff that I have had absolutely no use for. In my recent de-cluttering mode, I came across an old broken apart light fixture that he gave me about 3 years ago( upper left pic). Not knowing what to do with it, I put it in a box and forgot all about it until the other day when I pulled it out again. Determined to not have to throw it away (it has a really cool warn and patina look to it) I decided to do SOMETHING with it- not sure exactly what though. Later I rummaged through my old jewelry collection and came across a rather bulky copper-ish style necklace with the same color patina. Note: I threw a penny in with the beads (above) so you could see how large they are. Well, fate had spoken to me, and it was decided- I would make a bell/chime. I strung it together with an old piece of leather string I found and finished it with a triangular piece I made from copper colored polymer clay. I really like how it turned out. My grandpa would be proud!!

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One Response to New Bell-chime

  1. Janet says:

    I like it, too! Good thinking!

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