and the winner is……….

colleen.jpgI just love giving things away. I wish I could have given everyone a little something, but ya know……   My Super-E had a grand time picking a name from the hat. He wanted to do it over and over, “okay, lets do that again!!”

You know, it’s a little weird picking names from a hat when you “know” just about everyone in the hat. Like it was set up. It really wasn’t though. I just think that it seemed kind of fitting that Colleen won, being that she was my very first blog EVER.

Congratulation Colleen! I’ll be emailing you soon to get your address.

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2 Responses to and the winner is……….

  1. vicki says:

    Congrats Colleen! You are a lucky duck having Super-E cutie-pie draw your name. And here’s to many more years of Creative Kismet blog!

  2. Colleen says:

    Oh wow!! That’s awesome – how fun to see Super-E holding up my name. I’ll be sending my address shortly! Long live Creative Kismet. :0)

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