First skirt with zipper

All of my fabric from yesterday is washed and ready to go. I already dug in and started pairing up coordinating fabrics and making a pile for skirts. Thanks to THIS amazing tutorial, I was able to make this skirt with grace and ease. I can’t believe how easy it was. I pretty much followed the entire tutorial except that I made this skirt I little more flared. Gluing the zipper down!!! Ingenious! I also tied together a pretty hankie, as seen in Blueprint magazine, to make a cooridinating little bag. (cross-posted at Wardrobe Refashion)

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9 Responses to First skirt with zipper

  1. michelle says:

    Yippee!! Isn’t it fun? I really crave time to sew. Someday.

  2. Anastasia says:

    how cute!!!
    love the fabric and your ‘happy’ shoes – I had a pair like that as a girl!!

  3. kristin says:

    it’s absolutely darling!! and such a cute purse too 🙂

  4. Emily says:

    That skirt is so perfect! I love the cut and the fabric. Wow!

  5. linda says:

    Hi Regina! I can SO tell you have an artistic side just looking at your pictures. That scarf-knotted bag is so cute. I find myself wondering how I can make it more sturdy, but keep the cute style. Good job on the skirt. I just put my first zipper in a skirt a couple of weeks ago. As soon as my machine gets back from the shop (sniff! – I miss it!) I want to sew up another one! They can be addicting, can’t they?

  6. Diane says:

    I was just telling my husband the other day, that I was going to sew up some simple/inexpensive skirts for the summer, instead of spending $50.00 on a skirt from the Gap. That skirt is perfect!

  7. Kristi says:

    That is so cute! Great job and I love that fabric. You can’t go wrong with polka dots.

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