Christmas girls and babies

These ornaments are made from polymer clay and took way more time to craft than I care to admit. They aren’t even for my ornament swaps, which I should have been working on instead. These are gifts for friends and babies of 2007. I had meant to buy clear crystally glitter but accidentally bought this snowy stuff instead.

Tomorrow has been set aside for last minute ornament swap making. I know what I’m making so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Lastly, Chara tagged me with listing 5 random things about myself. So here I go. You can read on and be completely bored to tears or skip right on to the five lucky gals I am tagging (insert evil laugh).

1. I have two tattoos (small–shoulder & ankle) that I got on the same day.

2. I ALWAYS eat breakfast. You don’t want to see me without it.

3. I haven’t put any Christmas decor up yet (slacker). Big plans for that this weekend.

4. When Harry Met Sally is my favorite Christmas movie. I watch it every year around this time.

5. This song is my favorite Jingle Bells version. My grandparents had the record when I was little and my middle sister and I would play it over and over trying to sing just as fast. Then we’d fall on the floor laughing hysterically.

I am tagging Michelle, Rebecca, Karyn, Cindy, Lexi

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7 Responses to Christmas girls and babies

  1. raesha says:

    These ornaments are so adorable! What a great idea!I think the snowy stuff looks cool.

  2. Marcia says:

    Those ornaments are ADORABLE! I love the little girls with the swirls on the bottom of their jackets. Such details… Ãœ

  3. Karyn says:

    Those ornaments are a work of art! They were worth every second you put into them! And…thanks for the tag, I’ll get to that soon 🙂

  4. gina says:

    These are amazing ~ you’re very clever and have a lovely blog! That granola looks yummy too! :O)

  5. Those ornaments look wonderful! Your 5 random things were fun, thanks for joining in:)

  6. Clarissa Celuch says:

    awesome homepage, I will bookmark this for later!

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