Lookin’ Back at 2007…

Handmade by me : some of my favorites

My Lovies in all their cuteness!

Holiday Swaps: Postcards

All 8 were received, yeah!!!  From all over the world even!


Two are either MIA or were never sent. Such a bummer too. I really look forward to getting these.

I am really hopeful that all of mine were received in a timely manner. It is really a sad thing to flake-out on a swap like this (hopefully no one really did this). So much work goes into making and sending off these little bundles of joy.

Over the next few days, I’ll be showing some gifts given and received. Then I am super excited to start the “month of me”. Sounds silly,I know, but I’ll share more about that later.

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5 Responses to Lookin’ Back at 2007…

  1. Miss Dot says:

    I know what you mean about the ornaments, I didn’t participate this year because last year for so disspointing.. let’s just hope those last two are still in the mail and that everybody that recieved yours sends you back a thank you email! 🙂

  2. torrance says:

    Oh wow! Great stuff in 07! You are very creative. Hope to see a lot of great things this year too 🙂 Happy New Year

  3. Rebecca says:

    Happy Happy New Year!!!!! Love the illo fri New Year Illo…..

    And I am missing two ornaments as well! Weird, but lets hope they are “in the mail”….anyway, peace and health this New Year, hugs.

  4. Hi Glad my peacock made it to you, forgot to put my details on it, i’m so silly!
    Happy new year, Cintia

  5. Just catching up on a bit of blog reading… Love the looking back at 2007 photos:)

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