Welcome Spring

Spring Quiet
by Christina Rossetti

Gone were but the Winter,
Come were but the Spring,
I would go to a covert
Where the birds sing.

Where in the whitethorn
Singeth a thrush,
And a robin sings
In the holly-bush.

Full of fresh scents
Are the budding boughs
Arching high over
A cool green house:

Full of sweet scents,
And whispering air
Which sayeth softly:
“We spread no snare;

“Here dwell in safety,
Here dwell alone,
With a clear stream
And a mossy stone.

“Here the sun shineth
Most shadily;
Here is heard an echo
Of the far sea,
Though far off it be.”

Our first rose of the season. Perfect timing don’t you think?

Taking a few days off to enjoy the beautiful weather that spring has brought us and spend time with family. See you again in a few days!

Happy Spring!


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4 Responses to Welcome Spring

  1. Kelli says:

    Oh Regina,
    That painting just makes me smile from ear to ear. Such a beautiful tribute to Mama Nature. Thank you!

  2. Rebecca says:

    hugs….good to hear from you and love this painting! Spring is about to pounce on us…any minute…we are ready!

  3. Alexis says:

    This is a beautiful painting. One of your best that I’ve seen. Really, I love it.

  4. Regina says:

    Really Sweet Painting.
    And I am jealous for your rose – but I will have mine in 2-1/2 – 3 months.

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