A Super-duper Weekend!

Boy am I pooped. We had a packed weekend with lots of activity. A farm, artisan fair and crafting in the wee hours.

On Saturday we spent a fabulous day out at the Agua Linda farm, where we get our produce through the Tucson CSA. What a wonderful experience. The weather was beautiful, the farm was amazing, as were the farmers, and we had deep down good feelings about it. You can see more picture HERE.

Then I stayed up late preparing for a small Artisan Fair at a local coffee shop (nothing like last minute!). Despite the heat and beating sun, the day went well. I actually sold a few things!!! Much better than the last artisan fair I did. I made better signs (that you can’t really see in this pic) and I gave out lots of Moo cards too. The best part though, was swapping with other crafty-artisan-fair folks. Look what I got….

This gorgeous, gorgeous zipper pouch from Rikkianne at Chakra Pennywhistle. Thank goodness she wanted something of mine, because I fell in love with this the minute I saw it.

Pretty headband and hair clips from my friend Alexandra (Spellmonster). I love that orange!!

I love having weekends like this every once in a while. I feel like I accomplished so much! Now I’m going to rest and prepare for the next two days of work.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

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5 Responses to A Super-duper Weekend!

  1. Green Mamma says:

    Congrats on a successful art fair! Also, I would love to participate in a CSA. I bet your kids enjoyed visiting the farmers and seeing where the food is coming from. I am planning to bring Annabelle to either a local farm or perhaps an organic farm. I think it’s important for our children to understand that yes, our veggies and fruits come from the dirt and not from the grocery store.

  2. Teresa says:

    Congratulations on the artisan fair. I love that zippered pouch too – so pretty!

  3. Rikkianne says:

    Dear Regina,

    You are fabulous! I love, love, love my pincushion. It is resting on my sewing table now:) It is the perfect size too!

    I had a blast at the show and look forward to doing more with the team. We should get together and chat over coffee some time. Have a great week.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Your table looks wonderful! Glad you made some sales, but get ready, your stuff is so wonderful that you may find you are out of stock before you know it!

  5. so glad this craft fair went a bit better for you! that zippered pouch is so pretty!

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