camping at bog springs

We had a wonderful time camping at Bogsprings in Madera Canyon.  Such a beautiful spot and the weather was perfect!!  Here are a few of my favorite shots from the weekend…

Yep, it’s a bit dry here in AZ, but it truly is beautiful.  I wouldn’t mind a bit more rain though.  It’s already creeping into the 90’s!

I think I’m getting the hang of my new laptop.  Almost everything is transfered.  I can’t believe how much faster it is than my old gal.   I’m really loving it.

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15 Responses to camping at bog springs

  1. Evy says:

    Sounds like you had a great time!

    Hope you get to enjoy many more camping trips soon.

  2. jessica says:

    I can’t wait for a good weekend camping trip!

  3. Teresa says:

    Family camping is the BEST!

  4. Tricia says:

    Is that the crocodile hunter?? ok fine, lizard hunter..
    I love that picture..
    what an amazing weekend..
    looks like a great time was had by all

  5. Love Bog Springs-we were last there this past fall. We’re going camping again in late May. Not sure where yet but it’s always good to get away.

  6. Melisa says:

    I love how you call your computers “gals!” Hard working women, those computers.

  7. Nicky says:

    Oh! It looks so pretty! Nature, warmth, family and camping. What a great mix! Love your blog.

  8. Jan says:

    Amazing photograph of the wood pecker! Wow!

  9. Jamie says:

    Beautiful pictures. I’m looking forward to a few camping trips this year. We’re in the rainy mid-west and i’d be happy to send you some of the massive amounts of rain we’ve been getting.

  10. Dallas says:

    Gorgeous photos. I love the one of the woodpecker, and the one above it.

  11. Anonymous says:


    I found you via Wendy Hansen and will send you a message via Etsy about a craft charity “thing”.

    These are gorgeous photos, how lovely. I especially like the 4th pic.

  12. Lettuce says:

    oops, sorry, just realised i didn’t put in my contact stuff with my comment – so here it is.


  13. Lettuce says:

    oh, and now its appeared but not my comment….. i am making a mess of this, i think i woke too early!

    anyway, the lost comment was that I’m happy to have found you, via Wendy Hansen – and will email you via Etsy about a craft charity project.

    Love these pictures, esp the 4th one.

  14. Really beautiful pictures! I want to go!

  15. kirsten says:

    gorgeous photos! makes me want to go camping NOW! except… it’s still a little chilly here!

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