birthday weekend

We had a wonderful little birthday weekend for my super-E.  Boy is he ever getting big!  Sometimes he seems so little and small, other times so gigantic and strong.  His long slender body anchored by huge feet and big knobby knees. And his hands are almost as big as mine!  How did that happen?  His body may be growing (along with his appetite), but his spirit is as energetic, happy and sparkling as ever and his heart is still so tender and sweet (he very kindly made toast for his Aunt Jenny on his birthday morning!).

*We had family come to visit. A little sweet precious baby girl (my niece) came along too, which was especially fun.
*We went swimming which helped us deal with 110 degree weather.
*There were lots of Harry Potter and Lego gifts to be played with.
*And yummy DIY ice cream sundaes as requested.

An excellent birthday weekend for sure!

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3 Responses to birthday weekend

  1. Michelle says:

    Happy happy birthday! Gosh, 8. He looks so full of joy and unbelievably un-babyish. Glad you had a wonderful weekend, have fun watching Harry Potter, be sure and tell me if it’s too scary! I’m a movie wimp…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday super-E!!! It was my birthday weekend too! I just won’t tell you how old I turned 😉 Looks like he had a blast! He’s going to be taller than he’ mama pretty soon 🙂

  3. Aunt Jenny says:

    Did I mention it was the BEST toast I had EVER had? 🙂 Your little dudes are so delightful – can’t wait to see you again next week:)

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