Kristin from Craft Leftovers has generously offered to give away 2 issues of the Craft Leftover Monthly to 2 readers and a coupon discount for all Creative Kismet readers in celebration of the grand opening of her new shop! Yay!!
Craft Grand Opening is today, Sunday, November 15th and Monday, November 16th . Everything will be 15% off for those two days and she is giving away 2 gift certificates for $15.
The Winter issue will be available for pre-order starting November 15th for $7 (+s&h)
Box Sets of Volume 1 will be available November 15th for $59 (+s&h)
“Craft Leftovers Monthly is all about living life creatively. It’s full of resourceful projects, patterns, and ideas for using what’s on hand. It turned two years old in August and is 100% recycled and 100% handmade!”
Take advantage of her great offer– 20% off your whole order when you order anything from the Craft Leftovers Monthly category. Use coupon code “creativekismet“. This offer expires December 15th.
And don’t forget to leave a comment on this post to win a copy of her Winter issue of Craft Leftovers Monthly. Comments will close on Wednesday at midnight.
thats awesome! I wanna win. I’ll have to blog this on my side tomorrow.. or tues..
I love any kind of craft magazine. This is awesome!!
sounds like a good read!
The magazine looks fab, I shall certainly be perusing the site!
I’ve never seen this before….it looks great…..I want to win!
I’ll add a link to my blog too.
Nicki x
Yay! I the November issue was the first one I’ve ever ordered and I love it! Can’t wait to get my hands on the new Winter issue 🙂
Ooo..exciting! Thanks for a chance at this giveaway, so generous of you and Craft Leftovers!
Loved to see the craft magazine….
Sounds wonderful. I need some inspiration! 🙂
I’m so curious, I’ve never heard of this one.
Sign me up I’m always looking for new inspiration.
Wow – 2 years and I am just now hearing about this magazine? Best kept secret – but now the secret is out! I want one!!! 🙂
count me in! i’ve wanted to get one of these but just never have…
This is new to me. Sounds interesting.
Ooohh I’ve always loved her ideas. I would love to win!
Sounds like a great magazine!
Looks really lovely – thanks for the great opportunity!
Awesome awesome awesome! Please enter me!
i’d love to check out that magazine!
Very cool!
Oh Yes please – looks fab!
count me in!
Too cute, now in my faves. Thanks for sharing this. YAY!
Sounds great!
Congrats Kristin! How exciting to move to a bigger format.
I want one to put in my daughter’s stocking. (After I read it.)
That looks cool!
I would totally love to win an issue of this magazine!!!
Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been interested in checking out her work for awhile, just haven’t gotten around to ordering one yet. So winning would be fun!
Cool! Thanks for the giveaway. It looks awesome.
OOHH I’d love to be in the drawing – this zine looks awesome!
I’ve always been curious about the Craft Leftovers zine. It would be fun to win this!
you’ve peaked my interest on the mag. Loving the paintings you’re doing these days on the blocks. bet it’s fun.
Crafty things I can win, Great! Please put my name in the hat.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
One can NEVER have enough craft magazines. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Oh, I’ve heard about Craft Leftovers before and would LOVE to check it out! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!!
Is that like a craft zine? Oh man, I haven’t gotten a zine is soooo long! Not since high school I’d say! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a fun looking mag! Count me in and thanks for the opportunity to read something new!
The website is looking great i checked it out yesterday, i could use a little zen in my life and who doesn’t love Craft Leftovers. I can wait to see whats inside the issue, hope i win.
This looks like a great little magazine and it would be fab to get the opportunity to win it so count me in if i’m not too late 🙂