Sorry about the shameless self-promotion, but I need a little help. I’ve been working hard to fill my shop with art and goodies. Things that I have truly loved making. I’ve found art to be my daily therapy, my calm and quiet, my creative happiness.
Unfortunately, I get only 10 to 40 visitors to my shop per day. The bigger Etsy gets, the more lost I become in the enormous sea of creative people. My bad self likes to think that my stuff is just no good, but my good self tries hard to remember that I’m just not being found.
I recently I took Marisa’s “In the Fish Bowl” e-course. She spoke a lot about holding tight to your dreams, staying true to yourself, and not being afraid to put yourself out there. That’s the hardest part for me, taking risks.
So here I am, asking you for a small favor. In return, I will throw your name into a drawing to win one of my art prints. Your choice.
*First, leave a comment with a tip, suggestions, or your favorite item in my shop. You can even just say Hi 🙂
**For a second entry, blog about my shop– I am offering Free Shipping on selected items until Dec 31st. Come back and leave another comment letting me know. Please feel free to use my image below.
**Lastly, you can Twitter about my shop, adding the hashtag #ckismet, so that I can keep track . Come back and leave another comment letting me know.
In my shop, you’ll find lots of art prints, postcards, ornaments, tea wallets and patchwork pincusions. I’ve even added some 5 x 7 prints too. So, please stop by and take a look around. I am hoping to add holiday ornaments today or tomorrow, so please check back.
I’ll announce a winner December 1st. Thank you so much for your support. I couldn’t do all this without you!!
Your shop is lovely – please don’t doubt in your talent and continue to believe in all that good stuff from the fish bowl! I absolutely adore your pin cushions and would definately buy one (or lots!)if I could afford to buy anything at the moment – hope that helps even if only in a small way??
All your artwork in your Etsy shop is great! I love the new tea wallets; think they would make a great handmade gift for the holidays!
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
-Walt Disney
Have you thought about sponsering a giveaway on another blog? Crafty Crow is pretty big, and I think she draws a lot of traffic, and she does one or two giveaway’s each week.
Also, are you a memeber of any Etsy teams? Do you have a Facebook page? I don’t have a blog (well I do, but it’s just about the books I read), nor do I tweet (I’m half internet-Amish), but I have a facebook page, and I’d be happy to brag on you over there.
Regina- Keep believing in yourself and doing what you are doing. Your art is great. I wish I had more to offer in terms of how to sell more. You won my ornament giveaway and I am going to provide a link to your shop with a note about your free shipping!
Good for you for promoting your Etsy shop. It takes courage to put your work out there. I love your pin cushions and the Little Yellow Bird. I will mention your giveaway in my next post and come back and leave another comment.
Your stuff is awesome Regina!! I especially love the tea wallets. I did an etsy shop for a while but never sold anything. Guess I should have kept trying!!
i still really like the Red Barn.
Congrats for such an inspiring post. I admire you for being so real on your blog.
Might you be adding the “give thanks” art from your previous entry to the etsy store? I realllllly like that one.
Yours is the first blog I began reading, and now I’m hooked. Another blog I follow is Wee Folk Art. They have a button that you can add to your page and you are also able to follow them through FB. My niece just commented yesterday that she is checking out Wee Folk Art because it pops up on my FB newsfeed. Today I added your link. Pop over the wee folk art and see how they do it. They seem to be extremely helpful and I bet they’d fill you in if you need it. Good luck!
OK so I just checked FB and you are already there! So now I’m wondering if you might want to advertise your FB link on you blog.
Hi there, i so can relate to your shop predicament. I have been the same, had two Etsy sales this year which i’m greatful for but most of my sales have been from friends which i am also greatful for. I love your work and look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to. I would love to win one of your prints and would love to feature you on Ivys Attic but whether i can fit it in before your closing date might be pushing it, either way i’ll keep you posted and perhaps you can let me know a bit about you and your work, after all you’ve been on the telly too 🙂
Regina, I posted a whole blog about you! Sometimes we can’t see how what we do affects the world, but it does. You have accomplishe d so much- books, Martha and you work full time (in an important, tough job)and have a family and living creatively! You are much loved and admired. XOXO
I would love to support a small business and artist like you, there should be more of you in the world!! I love the “Home” print. It reminds me of Mambo style artwork which I think is just fantastic! The slogan on the little house is great too, perfectly sums up the feelings I have for our home! I have just started blogging and will feature you on my blog today when I do my next post.
I would do a giveaway during for Sew, Mama, Sew’s December Giveaway Day. I did one in May and got 1000 people visiting that post on my blog in 4 days. Pretty great traffic!
The idea of doing a giveaway on another blog (like Crafty Cow per Michelle) is on target. Also, you can increase traffic to your site through manipulation of search engine rankings. Posting this is also an important networking step.
You could do some footwork around town too. Have you approached Bohemia to see if they will carry your stuff? I bet they would. Your blog and your projects are fantastic.
I really, really love your website. Whenever I feel the need for some inspiration I visit your blog and am never disappointed! As to selling your products, holding a stand on fairs et cetera might proof more succesfull because you will stand out (and with Etsy, it is just to big! so much lovely items and so many, many sellers).
Best wishes from the Netherlands (you see, you are already international 😉 )
I really like to watch what you come up with. You are on my daily blogroll and love your style that is so free-spirited but yet all about nurturing, growing and reaching our potential.
I think your tea wallets are very creative. I admire the way you have combined your love of painting with your sewing. I have been subscribed to your feed for some time. Keep up the good work!
My fav is the small house ornament no 3. I don’t know how you have that much patience to make the houses so detailed and do so many at one time!
My 5 year old daughter’s fav, however is the “soar” print. She has instructed me to make her a shirt like that!
hi, It takes so much courage to put yourself out there. I am hoping to sell my stuff one day soon but do not even know where to begin! Don’t give up! One of the most inspirational blogs that I read is Elsa Mora’s. She is an artist, gives great advice and promotes other artists. You may want to email her to see if she would blog about you. She has great traffic on her blogs. Good luck!!
I just wanted to let you know that I received my Craft Leftovers magazine…it’s full of great stuff. Very inspirational….as is your blog. This is always my first stop when I have time to get on the computer. You are so talented and creative. I’m working on a post right now with some links to your blog and etsy shop. It’s the least I can do. Oh, and I put your etsy shop on my Christmas list :o) I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to ask for help putting your shop out there more.
Oh, I forgot to tell you my favorite items in your shop. I couldn’t choose just one..I love Balance and Poise, Give Thanks Every Single Day, Serenade, Dream, all of the tea wallets! Can I put a picture of any of those on my blog…just to give people a taste of your talent?
Your blog is fun and inspiring! I wish I had the money to buy from your Etsy Shop – as well as all the others I come across full of so many tempting things! For now I will just have to look and wish. 🙂 I like your lovely tea wallets the best! My favorite store in my hometown is a tea/coffee shop – so may yummy teas to choose from!
I blogged it for you! I sure hope you see some serious sales…you sure deserve it!
Regina, I love your blog and your shop. I pop over to it often to see what new things you have. I have a verrry small etsy shop. I set up a facebook page just for it and got friends to become fans…I think it has definitely increased views to my etsy page, though not so many sales yet. Hang in there. Keep on keeping on!
Je ressents souvent ce même découragement .. mais votre blog est dynamique et joyeux et les créations tellement uniques ! j’en parle autour de moi en France ! Merci aussi pour les liens comme AED qui sont des partages formidables ! Bonne chance pour la suite !
You have to market yourself in this little world of ours! Competition is growing as we bring other gals into the crafting fold. I have the little house ornament I bought from you last year hanging right here in my office. I’m loving your little birds right now. — michele
I love the tea wallets:) Those are SO fun!!!
Oh, Regina, please don’t let the stats get you down! You have such a distinct, colorful, unique style that has so much expression and emotion. Keep doing it! You’re so much braver and better than me, I don’t have the guts to start an Etsy shop. You know you have all my admiration, I’ll do whatever I can to help. Remember, YOU were on HGTV. You were on MARTHA! You are awesome and and your artwork is, too.
Hi, i’ve found you through your flickr because i was looking for rubber stamps. then, i’ve read this post and i truly believe taht your work is really beautiful, i love your drawings and your creative frame (if this even exists)
but, in your etsy shop i didn’t saw your rubber stamps. don’t you sell them? is an uncommon product (when set side by side with illustration, for example) that would differentiate your shop… besides it would be a great gift…
i wish you best of luck and i’ll send your link to some friends… and i’ll keep stopping by 🙂
Hope there is still time left to enter! I just posted a blog about your great Handmade Etsy art print giveaway!
Joanna Goddard (Cup of Jo) has a huge following and does giveaways – I’d try her! Your stuff is great! Good luck!