Happy New Year!!

Wow, I didn’t mean to take such a long break. It just kind of happened. Between working and finishing up last minute gifts for a trip north to see family, I just couldn’t fit in a single post.

Ah, well. I am felling refreshed, renewed and ready to begin the new year. I’ve filled in my new date book, which was given to me as a gift. Seems such a personal thing to give, but somehow it works perfectly.  I love its beautiful illustrations and quotes. And my creative goal list for this year has been written–it is long and big and I am ready to dive in.

I have yet to find my word for the year, but I feel it coming.  Maybe the discovery tool will help.

I am so grateful for the past year. It is always a surprise to look back at everything that came to be during 2009, but I am super excited for whatever will unfold in 2010.

Are you going to say twenty-ten OR two thousand ten? Just curious.

I have lots to share, so I’ll be back soon.

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12 Responses to Happy New Year!!

  1. Isabelle says:

    ‘Twenty ten’ or ‘two thousand and ten’?

    Here in the UK, the BBC have ‘official’ pronunciations for their newsreaders and presenters of serious programmes. They are saying that it is up to the individual!

    For myself, I prefer ‘two thousand and ten’ even though ‘twenty ten’ is shorter. Probably because I am used to saying ‘two thousand and…’

    Happy New year!

  2. Rachel says:

    I like 20-10…sounds so futuristic! I could never imagine being in the 2000’s when I was a kid. I found my word and I hope you find yours! Happy New Year!

  3. Aunt Jenny says:

    I remember a time when those two boys fit on your lap! They are ginormous:) and even more handsome than the last time I saw them! Can’t wait to see what you do in 2010. I love you and miss you sista:)

  4. Teresa says:

    Happy New Year – I think I’ll say twenty-ten…

  5. Alexis says:

    Twenty-ten for me. Looking forward to your holiday wrap-up post – Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. Angela says:

    Supposedly, the grammar police say it’s twenty-ten but I don’t know if believe them.

  7. Samantha says:

    I was told at a staff meeting this morning it is officially twenty ten not 2 thousand 10. I am going to say whatever comes out of my mouth at the moment. 🙂

  8. yasmina says:

    hmmmmm twenty ten sounds cool but I don’t know if I can pull it off …
    I think I’ll stick with two thousand and ten 🙂

  9. Happy New Year! All the best for 2010 – I’m saying twenty-ten – much shorter!

  10. kristin says:

    what a great photo!! such happiness 🙂 and such beautiful boys. happy new year to you too!!

    20-10 for me….but funny how in spanish we say it the other way…”dos mil diez”

  11. Flassie says:

    20 10 Even though I posted it
    Three Ways on my blog. Two in
    word form and one in number.

    I have three words for the year.
    My one word from last year and
    two extras.

    Couple days after two words came
    to mind I heard a couple people
    speak about them and seems they
    keep showing up in talks on TV.

    Same with last years word.

    Have a Happy Blessed Year!!!

  12. Shana says:

    So glad to see you are doing so well following your dreams. You were once worried about looking dorky on TV but now you have been on Martha Stewart …crazy how times change. My word for 20-10 is alignment … LOL

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