my weekend

We’ve been away for the last few days. We traveled a few hours north and were greeted immediately by snow, which promptly melted early the next day.   One day later it was warm, sunny and quite lovely.

We went to the park and I spied this wonderful quilt, which reminds me of ones that my grandmother used to make.

The hubby and I enjoyed dinner alone with a bit of wine. So, nice.

We  made a quick stop in Phoenix to visit Ikea.  Really quick, because we only had one hour of Smaland child care to take advantage of. Sadly, my super-E is 1 inch short of being too tall to be able to play there.

Now we are home and I have plans to sew very soon.  Lots of new patterns in hand~ Yay!!

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2 Responses to my weekend

  1. Teresa says:

    FUN! I have a quilt like that…made by the Man’s grandma…

  2. Jessica says:

    Sounds like a lovely weekend. I just love that you’re enjoying time with your hubby. I appreciate those few minutes (I have) with my partner too. It recharges us, you know?

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