flower brooches

I worked at a baby fair today promoting breastfeeding for the hospital I work at.  I love promoting breastfeeding, sharing what I know, answering questions and soothing worried soon-to-be mamas.

I made these little flower brooches for me and the other lactation nurse to wear. They are made out of long strips of fabric, a bit of fancy yarn, paper and some stickers we had in the office.I used my cool little flower loom to make them. I really want to make more. They are really quite fun.  Maybe next time with some buttons in the middle instead.

oh, and the little book is by Amy Spangler. It’s one we give out for basic info on breastfeeding.  I love that squishy little baby face on the cover and had to get it in the pic.

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4 Responses to flower brooches

  1. Aunt Jenny says:

    Love the brooches – LOVE you! ‘Boob-boob’ leche rocks!

  2. Nancy Rector says:

    You work AND manage to do all these things you do? (Breast fed all my kids… its what I miss most about having a baby.)


  3. WELL DONE! I have breastfed all mine for years at a time, and am am still breastfeeding our smallest (2), thankfully, without any problems, and with continual joy. Our breasfeeding rates here in ireland are DISMALLY low, so it is great to see breastfeeding being mentioned as a normal thing as much as possible. And i LOVE the brooches! xx

  4. Tammy Allen says:

    I would love to make for a friend who is a midwife and helps mothers when the baby first arrives. I have a flower loom, do I just follow the instructions that came with it? Where did you find the cute centers for them?

    Thanks – Love you Blog.

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