
Knock Knock. Who’s there? Aida. Aida who? Aida lot more than I should have!

Our thanksgiving weekend was very nice and filling. We had our wonderful and delicious vegan meal at home, just the 4 of us, then drove north to see family and celebrate our great grandma’s 80th birthday.

The weather was brisk and beautiful (much colder than what we are used to) and it was so fun to see family and watch the kids play with their cousins.

We even caught a beautiful sunset on our long drive, as well as some gorgeous clouds and a few snow topped mountains. The kids didn’t mind the drive too much. They only asked, “are we there yet?” about 10 times. We did an hour long round of knock-knock jokes, to pass time, which reminds me that I definitely need some new material.

If you have any kid-friendly knock-knock jokes, I’d love to hear them… please share 🙂

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4 Responses to knock-knock

  1. kristin says:

    my boys are way into riddles at the moment…which, eventually always end up sounding like jokes anyway

    looks like a perfect holiday! xx

  2. Felicity says:

    Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing them. : )

  3. elsa says:

    my son was quite the joker when he was young, come to think of it, he still is. I can’t think of any of the knock, knock jokes he used to do, but they were pretty silly, as I recall.
    We also had a lovely Vegan Thanksgiving. So good to know that there are others out there doing the same thing.

  4. DeniseLynn says:

    K-K. Whos there? Banana. Banana who. Knock knock. whos there? Banana. Banana who. Knock knock. whos there?! Orange. Orange who. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?!

    Also: K-K. Whos there? Boo. Boo Who? Well you don’t have to cry about it.

    K-K. whos there? Yodel Aye Hee. Yodel Aye Hee who? i didn’t know you could yodel!

    My kids say these all the time. Sorry if they’re ones you already do!

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