my new about page on Etsy

Have you seen the new about page option on Etsy?  I think it is pretty cool. Makes it look a little more personalized and gives it a fresh look. I love the rotating images too.  Stop by and take a look!

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7 Responses to my new about page on Etsy

  1. MelBee says:

    Love it… and love what you have written about yourself too.xx

  2. sperlygirl says:

    lovely fresh new look/feel over there, regina! it reflects the bright spot that you are here on the net. 🙂

  3. Looks *fabulous* Regina! Lovely copy and images, both. x

  4. Dayna says:

    I love your new store!!
    Wishing You Success!

    Tempe AZ

  5. I love your description. I’m originally from Tucson so it rang true for me!

  6. kt says:

    wow this is super!! I have taken a break from my etsy shop this summer not sure if i am going to reopen it or not. Your about page is so refreshing to see, making me feel like maybe i should give etsy another try.
    thanks for the inspiration!
    xo katy

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