bloom where you are planted

bloom where you are planted

This is one of my favorite sayings, “Bloom where you are planted”.

Sometimes I wish we lived somewhere different, especially during the summers when the temps are too hot to tolerate. But lately, I have been feeling more connected to this city I live in and I think it has partly to do with my morning walks. I’ve been driving to different neighborhoods for my walk, so that I can be more in the moment and really see all the new things around me. When I walk in my own neighborhood, I tend to zone out, because I’ve seen everything a hundred times. My senses are less awakened. I still walk in my neighborhood occasionally, but it is so nice to go somewhere new and different.

painted pages with sumi ink doodles

These pages were inspired by my walks.  Lots of color and flowers. I just threw some paint down on some red rosin paper and then doodled with sumi ink and a bamboo brush. Very light hearted, quick and fun.  I hope to revisit these pages soon, like I did the sunflower above.

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5 Responses to bloom where you are planted

  1. angella says:

    I just love visiting your blog Regina – its always so inspiring. I love the sunflower!

  2. That’s a beautiful piece of artwork. To me that saying means more than just trying to thrive in your physical environment… it also means looking inside and figuring out what you are meant to do and how you can best contribute to the purpose that is calling you. (if that makes sense) Thanks for the inspiring post!

  3. Teresa says:

    …it’s beautiful…and one of my favorite sayings…

    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. Emily says:

    I visit your blog often and your use of color and whimsy just always makes me happy!

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