Buddha – yoga painting no. 4

Buddha Art by Regina Lord
Mixed media on 16 x 20 canvas.

This painting was inspired by a journal cover I had made for my Art of Giving e-course. I had pulled it out to measure it for a new member and thought it would make a fun and colorful canvas.  I actually did a little more work to this painting after taking the photo. I thought that the flower looked too flat, so I worked on that a bit more. I hope to re-photograph it tomorrow and list it in my shop as a print.

work in progress

This is another painting I started today. I think it will be the last of this yoga series, since I am running out of time and have other events quickly approaching that I need to get ready for.  I am really excited at where this one is going, but there is still a long way to go…

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2 Responses to Buddha – yoga painting no. 4

  1. leanne turner says:

    hey, are you paintings for sale??
    if so, how much?

  2. leanne turner says:

    hey, are you paintings for sale??
    if so, how much?
    this is the right e-mail address.

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