Happy Holidays!


{click on image to download free printable pdf}

A little gift to print out and color or use for embroidering.

Wishing everyone a beautiful and joy filled holiday weekend!

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3 Responses to Happy Holidays!

  1. Raesha de Ruiter Zylker says:

    OOOH I love this Regina!! Thank you so much. I was JUST telling Monique I want to make a pretty little Christmas embroidery and this will be perfect:) Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Beate says:

    What a beautiful wreath! Thank you, Regina.
    I wish you a Happy New Year – days filled with brightness, beautiful colours and joy!

  3. Mary Jane Pilgrim` says:

    I printed off your free embroidery pattern of a tree that says joy, love , peach Merry Christmas. I just love it, but would love to see one already finished. Do you have one done? Thank you so much.

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