I found this little “Pop Art Painted Rings” kit at, of all places, a used bookstore on the discount rack for a few dollars. Just had to get it! I know it’s made for young girls, and I’m young…sorta. So, bought it and since I have a million things that I need to do, I decided to paint these rings instead. Yes, I know I have a dozen half finished projects that I need to be completing (I can hear them chanting my name right now)but, this is how I function. I just plug my ears and ignore all the tables in my house that are covered with unfinished projects. I will get to them….later. This is what I just had to do right now, and I have to say it was mighty fun. I let my son E paint one. It’s the one on the very far right. He thinks it’s the best. I think so too. I will definitely wear the one that E gave me, he’s so proud of it. I might wear the others for fun.
those rings are fantastic!!! what an awesome kit!!!and your son did a super job!!!! my niece would love to do that, and wear them—- what a great project— they turned out beautiful 🙂
Love the rings.
Of course I agree “E’s” is the best.
Love Grandma Cindy