Illustration Friday- Surprise


This week my youngest and most lovely little sister Jennifer was proposed to by her wonderful boyfriend Chris. She was surprised and of course she said yes. So here is my illustration for this week made in honor of my sisters engagement.

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19 Responses to Illustration Friday- Surprise

  1. Carolyn says:

    Yay! I love the colors you’ve chosen to depict this illo!

  2. Amy Zaleski says:

    What a nice sister you are! This is something she will appreciate for many years to come.

  3. m.b says:

    I was wondering when someone would get to this – it’s one of the first ideas that popped into my head – nicely done!

  4. carla says:

    Oh! Congratulations to your little sister:>>>> This makes my heart go a fluttering… beautiful illustration and nsuch a wonderful occasion:>

  5. Natura says:

    Lovely idea and illustration! Congratulations to your sister. 🙂

  6. Catnapping says:


    make sure she gets a screenshot of your blog entry for her scrapbook. i think she’ll get a real kick out of it.


  7. zordis says:

    What a lovely surprise!

  8. Caroline says:

    How romantic! Best wishes to them both and to you for celebrating it like this!

  9. Tony says:

    Very sweet. Great colors.

  10. Alexa Brett says:

    This is so sweet! And what a great illo to celebrate the engagement of your sister. Congrats to her!

  11. ratlion says:

    Love the colours…and the feel of the whole thing…really nice…

  12. Wilnara says:

    What a wonderful illustration!

  13. Aravis says:

    Congratulations to your sister! And your illustration is lovely. :0)

  14. krista says:

    Aw. COngratulations to her, and you- on the aquisition of a new brother in law!

  15. Jaimie says:

    what a sweet painting and lovely colors,

  16. hartini says:

    awwwww, that is the best surprise!! 🙂 Well at least it would be for me! 😀

    Great illo!

  17. Alina Chau says:

    lovely beautiful illo!! Congrat!

  18. Rachelle says:

    Very graphic illustration. It would make a great card.

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