I made these for my sister’s bridal shower gift. The theme was “Linens & Lingerie” and I thought it more fitting to make these instead of getting her lingerie that she wouldn’t wear. She’s a t-shirt and boxers kind of gal. She also loves things that smell pretty, so the sachets fit the bill. They are filled with jasmine scented bath crystals. I was so happy with how they turned out and had a lot of fun embroidering all the different stitches.
This is one of those things that I was making when I should have been packing in an organized manner for our move. Instead I was crafting until the very last minute then throwing things in boxed willy-nilly. Now I’m paying the price. We are still searching through unmarked boxes for things like the dish towels, tea, sunscreen, etc.

See what I mean. This is our craft/office room (or crap room as my husband likes to call it). A complete and utter mess. This room is huge, which is really great, but has several problems as well. 1) The massive pile of boxes and stuff that have taken over the room(more than half the boxes contain 3000 books for my hubby’s book selling business), 2) the room is painted two different shades of dark dark greyish-purple, 3) there is only one large window and 4 little 10″ x 10″ box windows letting in very little light with only a few overhead potlights, and 4) it’s huge! The size is good considering the outrageous amount of stuff that we own, but does not make for a fun painting experience. Yes, I decided that if I were to be creative in this room that it would definitly need a fresh coat of low VOC paint in white. You know this is all adding up to be a major disaster- big room, high ceilings, dark base color, low voc top-coat in WHITE! I’m talking SEVERAL coats of paint here! What was I thinking!!! My neck and arms hurt just thinking about how much more we have to paint and then still unpack. UGH!!! It is an even bigger pang in my side because we don’t even own this house- just renting for the year. But, I had to have my aesthetically pleasing, artsy/crafty space which is often a side of me that fights with the other side of me that is the environmentally concerned vegan. I’m at constant war with myself about these things. Anyway, I am sure it will be worth once everything is in it’s place and I am sitting in my very organized and bright craft room. And oh, did I mentions that I’m going back to work (mother-baby RN) full time in less than 2 weeks? I guess I’d better get this room in order so I can enjoy it a little before dooms day!
You sure sound busy!! that room is going to look fantastic!
so large!!
I love the linen sachets – what a great idea!
Good Luck with going back to work. And best wishes for your crap room 🙂
Oh my what a room. 🙂 The lingerie sachet turned out nice. I too have began an interest in sewing, but not enough for a crafty blog yet. Enjoy work!
I wish I was there to help! I am there in spirit. Creepy crawlies and all! The sachets are wonderful by the way.
The sachets are lovely and sounds like you are making a lot of headway on the unpacking.
I love these sachets. What a terrific gift!
You completed various fine points there