First day of Kindergarten


My little Super-E just won’t stop growing up and it’s breaking my heart. He got up all cheerful and excited to go to school this morning while I was crying inside. We took him to school this morning and they had all the kindergarteners meet outside with their parents until the bell rang.  They handed out confetti, calling this a celebration, while we hooted and hollered tossing confetti into the air. Then they told all the kids to hold up their arms and wave good-bye to their mommy’s and daddy’s. That’s when I almost lost it. I held the tears in for one last hug and “have lots of fun!”, and turned my back while they streamed off in a line into the school. Then the tears fell and fell and fell. He’s going to love it, I just know he will.

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9 Responses to First day of Kindergarten

  1. shoofly says:

    awww, thats so sweet!! Super-E looks so happy!

  2. flossy-p says:

    gulp… that really is so sweet. the confetti was a touch of brilliance! I hope Super-E does love it.

  3. andrea edwards says:

    Awww, I love this photo.

  4. Anastasia says:

    a great pic – you both look SO happy!
    you are so cute Regina and so is your little boy….im sure Id be the same not wanting to let go and yes, they do grow up so fast!

  5. carla says:

    What a really sweet photo! It makes me want to hug both of you:> These “milestones” when children are young really do tug at your heart. That’s such a great idea to make the transition feel like a celebration by throwing confetti! I’m sure he’s going to love school. Even so, I got teary-eyed looking at Super-E, because I started to remember my son when he was a little boy and how much fun I had with him. He’s all grown up now (24 – gulp!) and very much his own person, living and working half way across the country. That’s a good thing, but I do sometimes miss the little boy. Enjoy all these great times! Congratulations on your move…your view looks gorgeously inspiring. And – good luck unpacking all that stuff!

  6. rebecca says:

    I am right there with you! We don’t start till Sept 11, well Kindergarten doesn’t start till then. You look very composed in the wonderful photo though, all the while you are moosh inside! Thanks for sharing the photo and emotions!

  7. Colleen says:

    That photo is priceless!

  8. Dori says:

    Awhh! Your little guy goes to kindergarden, mine turned 18 today and goes off for the week next week. I understand how you feel, some parents cheer when their kids go off to kindergarden… I cried. Hugs to you!

  9. melissa says:

    wow- thinking of you at the moment! I found this story really touching. And I love that picture!

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