Is it a really weird day or is it FRIDAY THE 13TH!


First, I dropped a baking tray of polymer things that I made (rats!) and then I broke this very cool three faced Mexican ceramic mask (%#^%@!!!) THEN I made a little water color illustration for my blog-banner and ripped it in half!!!! Luckily I was able to salvage half of the polymer clay goodies and my new banner illo. The ceramic mask? Well it died a very horrible death. I try not to be superstitious, but I can’t help it- it kinda runs in my family. And usually I’m NOT this clumsy- so….. It must be Friday the 13th!


I’ve been getting ready for Halloween- putting up decorations, getting out my two favorite water globes and starting some halloween projects. So much fun, so little time!

ghosts.jpg hauntedhouse.jpg
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6 Responses to Is it a really weird day or is it FRIDAY THE 13TH!

  1. rebecca says:

    Sooo sorry to hear about all the bad karma on the 13th. Sounds like 3 things, and it is always 3 things isn’t it. Love the globes, and especially like the new banner!! And background paper, too.

  2. Grandma Cindy says:

    I know how you feel. When I have days like that I just Quit and veg-out for awhile. I absolutely love your new glog banner.

  3. amy says:

    What a day! I’m glad to hear you were able to salvage two of the three. Maybe you’ll run across a bigger, better mask in the near future to replace the damaged one!

    The new banner is great and I like the background pattern too, btw.

  4. Sarah says:

    I love the new banner and colors! Sorry about the mishaps.

  5. Aunt Jenny says:

    Your new banner is fun and funky:)

  6. Harmonia says:

    Hi! These pictures are so fun!
    Sorry you had a couple spills!
    I bet your home looks adorable! Happy October, 13th (late), Halloween (soon) and everything else that comes with the season! 😉

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