#7 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

It won’t be snowing in the lower elevations of AZ, but the minute there’s snow in the mountains- you know where we’ll be.


There’s something wonderfully enchanting about snowflakes. Super-E helped me make these for our windows. Notice the Christmas tree on the table? It’s so little hands won’t pull on it or break ornaments. I’m speaking from experience by the way.


Wintery Tees made using the famous freezer paper technique.


AND- Moki tagged me to write 6 weird things about myself. Here it goes.

1. I absolutely will not heat food in the microwave if the food is in a plastic container. Glass or ceramic containers only.

2. I hold my breath when I’m around chemicals, cleaners, strong perfumes and cigarette smoke, then walk quickly away until I’m out of the polluted area. I’m even more freaky if the kids are around.

3. I wore corrective eye glasses from the time I was in 1st grade untill I became pregnant with my first child. Haven’t had to wear glasses since.

4. I am usually a very organized person when it comes to my household. Certain things HAVE to be in a certain place (clothes, utencils, dishes, appliances etc.) But, I am extremely messy when it comes to cooking or my craft room.

5. Everything around me has to be symmetrical and balanced- my decor, my art, my life. I get a little irked when it’s not. Maybe that’s why my hubby is a libra.

6. I dream of chocolate when it’s *that* time of the month.

If you leave a comment, then you’re tagged! Come on… I DARE you…double dog dare you!

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7 Responses to #7 Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

  1. Jessica says:

    Great looking tees…and I’m totally with you on #6!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’ve done this meme already, but can you post the link to the freezer paper snowflake post? The shirts are so cute!

  3. Aunt Jenny says:

    i love the snowflake tees! very festive…and super E did a fantastic job helping you with your snowflake decor. would you ask him to make one for aunt jenny? i love you sister and can’t wait to see all of you in about a week! yay!!!!

  4. Karyn says:

    I LOVE those t-shirts.

    Maybe it’s time I finally try freezer paper transfers!

  5. moki says:

    Ha! I love your 6 things…especially your environmental ones! I still clip the pastic rings from soda 6 packs and will not spit my gum out the window…not because of littering, or because someone might step in it, because I don’t want some bird to pick it up and choke to death on it! I wonder if that’s just an urban legend???

  6. Anastasia says:

    wow – getting Pregnant cured your short sightness? maybe it was the labour haha

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