A wonderful day thus far. French toast made by my hubby, gifts, a hair trim (with a huge B-day discount from the very nice hair stylist), and a trip to the used book store. Now a small break before we head out for a little more shopping and a vegan buffet! YUM!
I know this is a popular meme using 4 answers for each topic, but since I’m 35 today, I thought 5 would be better.
5 Jobs I’ve Had
- first job: Score keeper for Parks & Rec (mostly baseball tournaments)
- High school summers: Concession stand worker at the baseball parks.
- Early 20s: Grocery store cashier (worst job ever!)
- College: AmeriCorp volunteer working for a substance abuse prevention program for children.
- Now: Registered Nurse for mothers, babies and children.
5 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
- When Harry Met Sally (all time favorite)
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Wedding Singer
- Sense and Sensibility
- Much Ado About Nothing
5 Places I Have Lived
- Prescott, AZ
- Flagstaff, AZ
- Phoenix, AZ
- Dallas, TX
- Tucson, AZ
5 TV Shows I Enjoy
- The Office
- The Amazing Race
- Project Runway
- Seinfeld
- Sex and the City
5 Places I Have Been on Vacation
- Washington D.C.
- Hawaii
- California
- Mexico
5 Places I Would Love To Visit
- Italy
- Paris
- Thailand
- Austrailia
- Japan
5 Websites I Visit Every Day
- Flickr
- Gmail
- Bloglines (76 feeds)
- Google News
- ebay (I’m always watching something but am too chicken to bid)
5 (only 5?)Favorite Foods
- Tortilla chips and salsa
- Chocolate cake
- Dark chocolate chips with almonds
- Fruit
- Homemade bread
I am completely against low carb diets – can you tell?
I couldn’t be more happy with where I am in my life right now. I have a very loving and content marriage, two wonderfully happy and healthy children, a comfortable home and a fullfilling job. What more could I ask for? 35 is good.
happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy bir-thday dear Regina,
Happy birthday to you.
And many, many more. Enjoy!
You sure are the most beautiful and wonderful and fantastical sister a girl could ask for. I love you most muchly! I hope you had a lovely and peaceful 35th birthday! Love, Aunt Jenny
So glad your day was a good one!
Happy Birthday!
Yes, the 30s are great (the 40s even better!) Happy birthday. I enjoy your blog.
Happy Birthday to you. 35 is good, sounds like you are having a fabulous day. I am 36, it’s pretty good to!
Happy Birthday! Glad to hear it’s been good 😀
Happy Birthday sweet Regina!!!
another Capricorn yeahhh! hope u had a fantastic day!
great pics too…
I love ‘SEnse & sensibility’ one of my favs too!
Happy Birthday!
If I could only watch your list of 5 movies ever again, I’d be happy too! 🙂 I love your final paragraph, it’s the way I think about my own life and it really struck a chord with me. I’m so pleased for you that you have such a sense of happiness.
If you ever make it to Oz I’d love to take you out for a coffee!
Happy Birthday Regina! Thanks for sharing about yourself. Hope this is your best year yet!