Super E started 1st grade today. Sending him off in someone else’s care all day always makes me nervous and anxious. It seems that when you have children, all of your own personal fears and bad memories of childhood come back to haunt you. I have many.
He did wonderfully as usual and I did better than last year (thank goodness). It was poor I-guy that was saddened by the whole ordeal. He cried his brothers name all the way home. No more partner-in-crime/home buddy. He did get mommy and daddy all to himself though!
Logan starts back on the 28th this year…not looking forward to the impact it will have on Caleb this year. I do feel better knowing it was easier for you this year though!
Your roses are gorgeous and you have a pomegranate in your yard? I’m so jealous! We used to have one in our yard when I was a kid. My mom always made pomegranate jelly and it was delicious! I wish I could find some somewhere…either that or I wish my mom would feel the need to whip up a big batch :).
My heart goes out to I-Guy. Wish I could come and play with him. Not worried about E. He will have a ball.
Love to all.
Grandma Cindy
That pomegranate looks so interesting! I have never seen one before…
Mine go back after the long weekend. This year they will ride the bus together (the only year that they will be at the same school). P is so excited to be going with his big sister, and he is such a social guy I know he is going to do well. I’m just not so sure about me. Thanks in advance for the roses…
Hello! I’ve long been a lurker on your site, but finally (deep breathe!) Thank you! Your blogs always brighten my day (esp when I’m the only kindergarten mom trying not to cry while my daughter happily runs into class)! I love your site. It’s soo inspiring and reminds me of what I really value.